Aviation, Civil and Defense Industrial Participation and Offset Services & Projects

Aviation Offsets & Industrial Participation
Civil & Defense Aviation Offset and Industrial Participation Services
Many civil and defense aviation sales have an offset or industrial participation requirement. Corvitex has experience in finding unique solutions for aviation offset and industrial projects. Our services can be tailored to meet your unique company requirements.
Offset and Industrial Participation Training
Many companies are new to the offset and industrial participation world or have new personnel requiring an introduction to offset and industrial participation. Corvitex can tailor course work for quick “C” suite training programs to more in-depth training for business development, finance, purchasing, program management and other staff members. Training can be offered at your facility.
Offset and Industrial Participation Bid Preparation / Campaign Management
Bidding on new programs can be significant undertakings and can require support for preparing an offset or industrial participation bid package separate from the primary product sale. The bid preparation may require new vendor identification and qualification as well as cross company coordination. Coordinating the bid preparation, identifying direct and indirect programs and compiling the bid package can be supported by Corvitex.
Foreign government interface for program agreement. During the preparation process, interaction with the government officials can be required in order to reach a final package agreement. Corvitex has been meeting with and interfacing with numerous governments offset and IP officials since 2003.
Offset and Industrial Participation Program Management
After winning the business the offset program will require time and attention. The tracking of the offset or IP program will take some dedicated resource. Tracking fullfilment, preparing credit submissions, interfacing with government officials regarding the submissions, program changes and program status will take time. Corvitex has experience providing these services for small and large companies.
Offset and Industrial Participation – Indirect Program & Project Fulfillment
Corvitex has provided unique offset projects to fulfill small programs for small companies or portions of larger programs for the very large companies. Contact us to discuss your project needs. This may include unique credit swaps or credit transfer programs.
Local Content, Civil Offset and Industrial Participation Services
Lcoal Content, civil offset and industrial participation programs are required by more and more countries. Purchases of infrastructure, information technology and a variety of medical or pharmaceutical products by many countries now have an offset or industrial participation requirement attached. For many companies this is a brand new area of activity. Corvitex can assist companies large and small with or without previous experience navigate these potentially lucrative international sales opportunities. Our unique solutions can be tailored to meet your unique company requirements.
Local Content, Offset and Industrial Participation Training
Many companies are new to the local content, offset and industrial participation world or have new personnel requiring an introduction to offset and industrial participation. Corvitex can tailor course work for quick “C” suite training programs to more in-depth training for business development, finance, purchasing, program management and other staff members. Training can be offered at your facility.
Local Content, Offset and Industrial Participation Bid Preparation / Campaign Management
Bidding on new programs can be significant undertakings and can require support for preparing a lcoal content, offset or industrial participation bid package separate from the primary product sale. The bid preparation may require new vendor identification and qualification as well as cross company coordination. Coordinating the bid preparation, identifying direct and indirect programs and compiling the bid package can be supported by Corvitex.
Foreign government interface for program agreement. During the preparation process, interaction with the government officials can be required in order to reach a final package agreement. Corvitex has been meeting with and interfacing with numerous governments offset and IP officials since 2003.
Local Content, Offset and Industrial Participation Program Management
After winning the business the local content or offset program will require time and attention. The tracking of the program will take some dedicated resource. Tracking fulfillment, preparing credit submissions, interfacing with government officials regarding the submissions, program changes and program status will take time. Corvitex has experience providing these services for small and large companies.
Local Content, Offset and Industrial Participation – Indirect Program & Project Fulfillment
Corvitex has provided unique projects to fulfill small programs for small companies or portions of larger programs for the very large companies. Contact us to discuss your project needs. This may include unique credit swaps or credit transfer programs.
Defense Offset and Industrial Participation Services
Corvitex provides defense offset and industrial participation programs are required by more and more countries. For many small and medium sized companies this is a brand new area of activity. Corvitex can assist companies large and small with or without previous experience navigate these potentially lucrative international sales opportunities. As a provider of these services, Corvitex is registered as required with the US State Department. Additionally, Corvitex is a member of Trace International indicating our committment to the highest ethical conduct. We have been vetted by many companies. Ask us if your company has vetted Corvitex as a service provider. If your company subscribes to Trace International, ask us for our membership information. Our unique solutions can be tailored to meet your unique company requirements.
Offset and Industrial Participation Training
Many companies are new to the offset and industrial participation world or have new personnel requiring an introduction to offset and industrial participation. Corvitex can tailor course work for quick “C” suite training programs to more in-depth training for business development, finance, purchasing, program management and other staff members. Training can be offered at your facility.
Offset and Industrial Participation Bid Preparation / Campaign Management
Bidding on new programs can be significant undertakings and can require support for preparing an offset or industrial participation bid package separate from the primary product sale. The bid preparation may require new vendor identification and qualification as well as cross company coordination. Coordinating the bid preparation, identifying direct and indirect programs and compiling the bid package can be supported by Corvitex.
Foreign government interface for program agreement. During the preparation process, interaction with the government officials can be required in order to reach a final package agreement. Corvitex has been meeting with and interfacing with numerous governments offset and IP officials since 2003.
Offset and Industrial Participation Program Management
After winning the business the offset program will require time and attention. The tracking of the offset or IP program will take some dedicated resource. Tracking fulfillment, preparing credit submissions, interfacing with government officials regarding the submissions, program changes and program status will take time. Corvitex has experience providing these services for small and large companies.
Offset and Industrial Participation – Indirect Program & Project Fulfillment
Corvitex has provided unique offset projects to fulfill small programs for small companies or portions of larger programs for the very large companies. Contact us to discuss your project needs. This may include unique credit swaps or credit transfer programs.